
VGBAnext (GBC)

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Add colors to your black and white game and turn your fancy modern phone into a retro gaming console with the VGBAnext multi-console emulator. This premium Android app can emulate SNES, NES, GBA, GBC, GB, VS System, and DiskSystem consoles right at your fingertips.

VGBANext can also simulate a series of add-ons and gaming accessories including printers, tilt sensors, vibration packs, and even light guns. In addition, this app is multiplayer compatible with added support for Network Play and multiple gamepads. It even supports Android TVs and most modern Android gaming phones.

Some of the app's premium features include various skins and themes, full support for full-screen landscape and portrait modes, a wide selection of tools, save state sharing, fully functional Network Play, fully customizable skins and layout, and full support for homebrew games. This emulator even comes with its own homebrew game so you can start playing and using the app right off the bat.

Pokemon Trading Card Game is among the most popular games on VGBANextVGBANext features Dragon Warrior III for the Game Boy ColorThe Harry Potter game for the GBC looks stunning with VGBANextGotta catch them all - all over again with Pokemon Crystal on VGBANext

VGBAnext Emulator download can be obtained free to play Gameboy Color. Available for multiple platforms including Android with fastest download speeds on This GBC Emulator is in English and can run games online in high quality. VGBAnext is developed by Garage Research Emulators. If you like this Nintendo emulator then also see related emulators such as SameBoy and GBCC.

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VGBAnext v6.4.5 Android Play newest AndroidPaid2021-04-21